Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Hibernation - Devotional

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During the cold winter months, nothing seems more inviting than a warm bed. But for some animals, hunkering down in a cozy den when nights are long and temperatures are low isn't just a matter of temporary comfort — it's necessary for survival.
Certain animal species have evolved an adaptation that allows them to weather long stretches of time when food is scarce — they enter a state known as hibernation. And what happens when an animal hibernates is much more dramatic than simply curling up for an extended nap; extreme metabolic changes are taking place. The animal's heart and breathing rates slow down, and its body temperature drops. Depending on the species, days or even weeks may pass without the animal waking to drink, eat or relieve itself.

The word "hibernation" is derived from the Latin hibernare, meaning, "to pass the winter," according to the Online Etymology Dictionary. The term originated in the late 17th century in reference to a dormant state in insect eggs and plants, and was applied to other animals beginning in the 18th century.


Hibernation (or suspend to disk) in computing is powering down a computer while retaining its state. Upon hibernation, the computer saves the contents of its random access memory (RAM) to a hard disk or other non-volatile storage. Upon resumption, the computer is exactly as it was before entering hibernation. Like a powered down system, the power source from a system in hibernation can be removed without any state loss risk.
In the book of Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse 10, My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. 11 For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
Nothing last in this world, everybody and everything must come to an end. We humans will die and will leave everything what we possessed in this world. The good news is that even though we die, Jesus stated to his disciples when the news came that His friend Lazarus died, in John 11:11:  These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.

The author of life describe death as just a sleep, some say it is just a suspension of life or else a hibernation or the like. So, we have nothing to worry about death for someday soon in the future when Jesus comes for the second time as what He promised us before He went to heaven, He will just wake us and said the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, come and share my Father’s blessings. May God gives you understanding of what is the real meaning of life. Is it the end of something or just the beginning? God bless you.

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