Monday, March 27, 2017

Plow - Devotional

When you imagine inventors, you probably picture a lone genius in a laboratory concocting brilliant devices, experimenting and redesigning until some concept or contraption works perfectly. At that point, the new invention is unveiled to the world, a stunning piece of new technology that instantly changes everything.
Well, you've got part of it right. There's certainly a lot of redesigning and experimenting when it comes to inventions, but it takes a lot longer than you think. It also takes far more people than that lone genius.
Compared to some of the gleaming, electronic inventions that fill our lives today, the plow doesn't seem very exciting. It's a simple cutting tool used to carve a furrow into the soil, churning it up to expose nutrients and prepare it for planting. Yet the plow is probably the one invention that made all others possible.

No one knows who invented the plow, or exactly when it came to be. It probably developed independently in a number of regions, and there is evidence of its use in prehistoric eras. Prior to the plow, humans were subsistence farmers or hunter/gatherers.
Their lives were devoted solely to finding enough food to survive from one season to the next. Growing food added some stability to life, but doing it by hand was labor intensive and took a long time. The plow changed all that.
You are amaze of the things you see around us, especially those fast-growing technology, which wondered us how it was made? Thousands of hours rendered and some even wasted.

Consider the heavens, especially during summer, you’ll see a cloud of stars stretched across the heavens like a dust. From north to south, you’ll see this more clearly if you’re in the temperate region, like on the tropics. What a magnificent design, scientist said there are 100 billion galaxies out there and did you know how many stars are there in a galaxy? 100 billion stars in a galaxy so 100,000,000,000 times 100,000,000,000 = 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, wow!

A beauty and design that no human mind could comprehended. Scientist said that it was just the result of a Big Bang some billions of years ago, in the making. But it was very unique because Venus and Uranus are the planets that rotates clockwise and the rest counter-clockwise. There is a super natural being who design all of this, and in fact it was created in just a matter of six literal days!

The Bible said in Gen.1:1; In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Friends let not our hearts and mind be confused about everything. God in his wisdom impresses you every day in your life. The things you see(macro) and you do not see(micro), is just the manifestations of His power and love. God bless you on your discovery of God’s creation.

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