Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Banana A Day Keeps The Doctors Away

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Banana are not only good fruits to eat heavy exercise due to their potassium content and ease of digestion, but their potassium can also reduce your risk for high blood pressure and strokes well as strengthen your immune system.

According to Suzanne Havala Hobbs, DrPH, MS, RD, clinical assistant professor at the school of public school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, while may think of bananas as baby’s first fruit, it is actually a convenient source of nutrition. People with diabetes should keep in mind that bananas are high sugar, so they should consult their physicians about how many are safe to eat.

Among the health benefits of banana……
. Potassium powerhouse. One banana provides 400 milligrams of potassium, or 11% of your daily quota. Taking in a sufficient amount of this nutrient is vital to maintaining a healthy heart and blood vessels. Not getting enough potassium can contribute to high blood pressure and increased risk stroke. Additionally, many pharmaceuticals used to treat these conditions deplete potassium, so eating bananas can help adequate levels.
. ENERGIZER. On your next visit to the gym, instead of reaching for the power drink or energy bar, choose a natural and less-expensive alternative. Banana provide a quick and efficient pick-me-up to replace the important vitamins and minerals you lose during a strenuous workout. In addition, their potassium is essential for building muscles.
. Rich source of vitamin C. This vital nutrient helps the body heal and defends against infection, and also aids in the absorption of iron, the synthesis of connected tissue and the formation of blood.
. Immunity booster. The vitamin B-6 in bananas gives immunity a boost. One banana contains approximately 30% of your daily requirement of B-6, which helps synthesize antibodies in the immune system. This nutrient is also vital to protein metabolism, red blood cell formation and proper functioning of the central nervous system.
. Fiber-filled. One banana meets 16% of your daily fiber need. Like many other fruits and vegetables, fiber-rich bananas can help maintain or restore normal bowel function. 
. Easy on digestion. Bananas are so easy on the tummy that even very young children, the elderly and those convalescing from illness find them easy to eat.
. Diet-friendly. Rich in nutrients and fat free, banana are an excellent choice when you are trying to shed excess pounds. While the simple sugar in banana has earned them a bad rap from popular low-carb diet plans, Dr. Havala Hobbs dismisses this notion as having no merit.
So go head and reach for a healthy and satisfying snack. Munch on a banana to help meet your daily requirement of five fresh fruit and vegetables. Eat it plain, with yogurt or blended into a delicious and nutritious smoothie.

Suzanne Havala Hobbs, DrPh, MS, RD, clinical assistant professor and associate director, doctoral program in health leadership, School of Public Health, department of health policy and administration, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Havala Hobbs is author of many books on nutrition, including Vegetarian Cooking for Dummies (Hungry Minds).

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