Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Got Sleep?
How much time you need to get a good sleep? Others, especially the elderly, are satisfied with 5-6 hours of sleep.

An article on the internet states:

Science is on the military’s side: Getting fewer than eight hours of sleep puts soldiers and their companions at the same risk as if they had a few beers before shooting a grenade launcher or driving a Bradley fighting vehicle. In fact, a lack of sleep likely contributed to both friendly fire incidents in the 1991 Persian Gulf War and the navigational error that led to the 2003 capture of Army Pfc. Jessica Lynch in Iraq.

Military investigators are beginning to admit that sleep deprivation is a deep-rooted part of soldier culture. In the past, the popular “four-hour rule” stipulated that troops working in high-tempo, operational environments could function on only four hours of sleep. Today, thankfully, more and more members of the military recognize that this simply isn’t the case: Working under any circumstances with only four hours of sleep will lead to poor performance and weakened cognitive abilities (aka the brain-based skills we need to carry out tasks).

Of course, implementing new sleep mandates won’t be without challenges, especially since 51 percent of active duty U.S. Army, Air Force and Navy personnel have obstructive sleep apnea and another 24 percent suffer from insomnia.

The old belief that sleeping for eight hours is a sign of weakness or cowardice is slowly changing, and troop leaders are encouraged to set a good example by taking care of their own sleep habits. If small changes can start to make ripple effects throughout the military, we may eventually see major benefits, like fewer mental health issues and fewer costly mistakes in combat.

Many people believe that drinking liquor at night can help make a good night sleep. Let’s see some findings.
Quality, uninterrupted sleep is essential for physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Here are the best and worst foods for promoting sound sleep:


  • Foods rich in melatonin (tart cherries, walnuts)
  • A warm drink (milk, herb teas)
  • High-glycemic carbs (rice, bananas, granola)
  • High-casein dairy (cottage cheese, Greek yogurt)


  • Alcohol
  • Fried or fatty

As we can see drinking alcohol beverages is one of the worst for promoting sound sleep.


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