Friday, April 7, 2017

Ouch! Antacids That Make Stomach Problems Worse

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Turning on the television or reading the newspaper is becoming an exercise in anxiety. It’s either some natural disaster or dire predictions about the economy. All this stress is sending lots of us to our medicine chests to calm our nervous stomachs. And what do we usually reach for? That old standby-an over-the-counter (OTC) antacid.
Advertising claims might lead you to believe that any OTC antacid, such as Tums, Rolaids, Maalox or Pepcid, is harmless enough. Little did you know that taking an antacid actually can make your stomach problems worse.
You may be surprised to learn that More Ultimate Healing contributing editor Andrew L. Rubman, ND, describes stomach acid as a good thing. Proper digestion takes place as a series of functions, all of which depend on the presence of adequate stomach acid while you are eating.
                When you take an OTC antacid-or even worse, the “more effective” prescription variety-you’re cutting down or even eliminating the acid you need at mealtimes. Without it, your stomach can’t adequately break down food into its nutrient components. What’s more, inadequate digestion of proteins encourages the liver to increase production of LDL cholesterol-the kind of cholesterol that does the most damage to your body.
                An all-too-common result of taking OTC antacids on a regular basis is an increase in cholesterol, which is then often treated with yet another drug to lower cholesterol levels a roller-coaster ride you don’t want to be on.
If you stop taking antacids as a favor to your liver, what do you do about your sour stomach?
                “Prevent it in the first place,” says Dr. Rubman. Make sure you have adequate acid in your stomach during mealtimes, when you need it, and less stomach acid when you don’t. “What we call excess stomach acid,” he says, “is what should be called inappropriate stomach acid.”
                To make sure your stomach has sufficient acid at mealtimes, Dr. Rubman advises against “grazing”-snacking on food-throughout the day. Snacking signals the stomach to pump acid rather than saving it for mealtimes.
                In addition…
·         Always chew your food thoroughly. Introducing saliva into the food as you chew will get the digestion process off to a good start.
·         Don’t drink very much liquid while eating a meal. Dr. Rubman says that more than a few sips of fluid will dilute the acid in the stomach. Also, try to limit fluids for 30 minutes before you eat and for an hour afterward.
                His general rule: One fluid ounce of water for every two ounces by weight and solid food.
                To avoid acid overproduction, Dr. Rubman also advises a few changes in eating habits…
·         Don’t overeat. Leave that extra little bit of room for dessert, and then skip it.
·         Eliminate foods that have refined sugars, such as desserts, from hour diet. Sugars tend to destabilize the stomach, decreasing efficiency of digestion and nutritional value as well as creating gas.
·         Avoid caffeine and fried foods. Caffeine stops starch digestion and can impair acid production during meals. Fried foods create gastrointestinal inflammation and can also speed the aging process.
                If you still suffer from a sour stomach between meals, put something in it that will quiet it without triggering more acid production. Dr. Rubman has several suggestions…
                “A time-tested remedy, believe it or not, is sauerkraut,” he says. In Europe, you can even buy sauerkraut juice for just this purpose. Five or 10 minutes after consuming sauerkraut, your stomach will relax and you’ll feel great. Sounds weird, but in fact, the enzymes released during the fermentation of the cabbage as it turns into sauerkraut actually help break down as well as neutralize the inflammatory components of a sour stomach.
                Should sauerkraut not be for you, there are some herbal products that can soothe and normalize the stomach without suppressing acid production. Dr. Rubman recommends gentian, an herb that comes in tinctures, capsules and fluid extracts. “Usually using eight to 10 drops in a little  bit of water will do the job,” he says. Use this as needed rather than prophylactically.
                Glyconda, a traditional herbal combination that includes turkey rhubarb root, cinnamon and goldenseal, is another old-fashioned remedy, one grandmothers in Italy have been giving their families for years. Dissolve 10 to 20 drops in two ounces of warm tea or water, and drink before a meal.
                Other products that address the problem.
·         Gastri-Gest, a combination of plant-derived enzymes taken as needed as an antacid substitute.
·         Compound Herbal Elixir, a botanical mixture that can be used as needed as a “tummy tonic.”
                Both these products are also available at quality health-food stores.

                Occasionally, a more severe stomach problem causes between-meal acid production. “This occurs when something in the stomach lining stimulates it in the same way that food does,” says Dr. Rubman. Typically, the cause is a yeast organism or something similar. Often the culprit is the same creature found in vaginal or oral thrush. You can avoid it by following the above steps to maintain adequate stomach acid levels during meals.
                Caution: Anyone with gastritis that persists for more than 10 days or recurs more than once a month should be tested for the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
                It might also be an ulcer, which would require special treatment. “Having a gastric or duodenal ulcer is one of the few problems that calls for prescription antacids to suppress stomach-acid production while the lesion heals properly,” says Dr. Rubman.
                If your problem does not respond to the natural remedies suggested above within a few days, see your health-care provider to rule out a more serious condition.

                When it comes to acid indigestion, don’t let the cure be worse than the disease. Healthy eating habits and a strategy to work with the body’s natural digestive function will go a long way in calming that grumbling pain.

For more information: More Ultimate Healing (

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