Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Aroma That Can Energize

Location: Bontoy Bantigue, Bantayan, Cebu

                       We hear about aromatherapy from our friends. Most of them like it, most especially the scent of lavender or tangerine, because it helps them unwind after a busy day. I wondered if aromatherapy would really help fire up a working father or a mother early in the morning who didn’t drink coffee at the start of a day.

                Let’s find out with aromatherapy educator Mynou de Mey, director of the American Institute for Aromatherapy & Herbal Studies, which based in New York, she answered with a resounding Yes. As a matter of fact, the list of invigorating essences is substantial-some of it are basil, rosemary, eucalyptus, peppermint, spearmint, pine, grapefruit and aniseed. De Mey suggested to experiment on different scents which ones best for you.

                According to her, use these scents in the morning. Put a few drops of scents in the bath tub or pail of water, much better if the water is lukewarm so to release the scent. Or else put a drop of scent on a cotton ball and inhale the scent. It works so well, using some of these suggestions too late in the day may also leave you energized to sleep as well.

                De Mey explains that many oils today are synthetic, not the authentic essentials oils that really work, so she suggested that before you purchase these products, here is how to tell if you’re getting the real thing…
  • ·         Always check the background of anyone selling essential oils. Skip the oils sold at the bath-product chain store. Buy instead from qualified people selling essential oils and herbal products (usually small companies).
  • ·         The label should appear the name and location of the company selling the product. Actual proof of authenticity should appear on the label. An authentic oil’s label will include the English and botanical names. A synthetic oil will not have a botanical name, since it is man-made.

Here is how to use the oils
  • ·         Dab a drop of diluted oil directly under your nose.
  • ·         Put drops of oil directly into your bathwater or a pail of water with three or four drops of essential oil.
  • ·        Place up to five drops in a diffuser on your desk to energize yourself at work. Diffuse for no longer than 20 minutes.

It is especially important to dilute oils for use on the skin in fractionated coconut, sweet almond or grapeseed oil. Otherwise, people with sensitive skin may develop irritation, a rash or a burning sensation. More serious problem may develop over time with repeated use of undiluted oils to those people with sensitive skin.

                By the way, some scented candles-though pretty-are not considered aromatherapy, since they are often made with synthetic scents.


Mynou de Mey, director, American Institute for Aromatherapy & Herbal Studies, NY.

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