Thursday, September 21, 2017

Copy Worksheet the Smartest Way

How make a copy of a worksheet the smartest way:

Normally, one would right click a sheet and then click Move of Copy…

And then check Create a copy…

Here is a faster way to do this:
  1. Select the worksheet tab for which you want to make a copy.
  2. Press and hold the Control(ctrl) Key.
  3. Left-click on the worksheet tab for which you want to create a copy (a plus sign within a sheet icon will appear next to the cursor). 
  4. While still holding the Control(ctrl) key and the Left button of the mouse, drag the tab to the right side of the sheet. 
  5. Release the mouse left-button and then release the Control(ctrl) Key.  

This would create a copy of the worksheet in the same workbook.

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