Sunday, October 1, 2017

Lesson # 2: CONCATENATE Function in MS Excel

CONCATENATE() formula in MS Excel:
Now, what it does? And how are we going to use it in a spreadsheet?
Let us look how it works:
CONCATENATE = Joins several text strings into one text string.
Syntax or sequence of command:
=CONCATENATE(text1, text2, text3, text4)
and so on.
                Let’s look at our example below:
Figure 1
                In our example, we are going to joins or combine Lastname, Firstname and M.I. labels which can be found in cells B3, C3, D3 respectively and put the result under cell E3, which has the label Full Name.
                The result is.
Figure 2
                What is the problem here?
                There were no spaces between our text strings, right?
                So, we will rewrite our CONCATENATE formula and add some characters or strings to make it not just like a hashtag that has no spaces in it.
Figure 3
                As you can see we have 5 text strings combine into one. We added two (2) space character which are in between the double quote (“”) character. Take note that if we have double quote (“”) character inside the CONCATENATE function, excel will treat it as a string or a series of characters and it will show whatever is inside that double quote (“”) character and we still separate this character with a semi-colon in which the syntax requires to. In our example, we added two (2) space character in between those double quotes (“”), so that our Full Name will have the proper spacing.

Figure 4
Now, our Full Name column label has the proper spacing.
CONCATENATE() function is useful in combining data converted into strings or summarizing a column or row values into one text strings.
                Another way to combine text strings or data into one is by using “ & “ character.
Let me show you how to do this.
Figure 5

                See, this one is just as simple as 1 + 1. You don’t have to follow the syntax not just like on our previous example that we have. Just write equal sign (=) and then write the cell references or you could just click the cells that you’d like to add, separated by “ & “ sign between cells. As simple as that!

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