Friday, April 28, 2017

Stop Yeast Infections Naturally

Many women have visited doctor after doctor with assorted health complaints, such as repeated sinus infections, sore throats that linger, sleep problems, achy joints, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), allergies, gastritis and a general feeling of malaise. Yet, the doctors find nothing medically wrong. A naturopathic physician, on the other hand, may find a chronic yeast infection, specifically, atypical mucocutaneous candidiasis.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Four Greatest Risk Factors for Heart Disease

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                Time to snuff the cigarettes, eat your veggies, see your doctor and start exercising. Two large population studies recently confirmed that the vast majority of people who have heart attacks or other types of plaque-related heart disease already have at least one of four well-established risk factors-cigarette smoking diabetes, high blood pressure (140/90 or higher) or high cholesterol (240 mg/dL or higher).

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

More Fun, Less Stress At Family Gatherings

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Family get-togethers are often unsatisfying and difficult, rife with power struggles and nasty arguments. They can also be a lot of fun when you truly connect with people you care about. Here’s how to make holiday gatherings harmonious

Monday, April 24, 2017

Ways to Improve Your Energy Level Throughout the Day

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How often do you experience a wave of tiredness in the mid-afternoon? Productivity drops, you feel like taking a nap and end up resorting to another cup of coffee. Most of us would love to have constant sustained energy throughout the day but don’t realize a few easy lifestyle changes is all we need for great energy levels.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Solutions to Computer Crashing


Does your computer crash randomly? Do you know why? Do you know a few remedies to the problem? Read on for several solutions.

A Banana A Day Keeps The Doctors Away

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Banana are not only good fruits to eat heavy exercise due to their potassium content and ease of digestion, but their potassium can also reduce your risk for high blood pressure and strokes well as strengthen your immune system.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Cure Your Constipation Naturally

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There is an herbal called “bowel cleansers” are touted as a healthy and effective treatment for chronic constipation. Bowel-cleansing formulas typically contain strong laxative herbs, such as aloe resin (sometimes listed as “aloe leaf”), buckthorn, cascara, rhubarb and senna. These herbs increase peristalsis, the wave-like movement of the bowel that facilitates elimination of stool, but they also irritate the gut wall. Like any good laxative, these herbs will promote a bowel movement, but repeated or large doses cramping, diarrhea and blood in the stool.

It’s Never Too Late to Quit

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                 Lifelong cigarette smokers die on average 10 years earlier than nonsmokers. However, a 50-year British medical study indicates that it is never too late to kick the habit. In fact, if you quit by age 35, you can add 10 years to your life! Isn’t it hopeful?

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Got Sleep?
How much time you need to get a good sleep? Others, especially the elderly, are satisfied with 5-6 hours of sleep.

Make Your ARTHRITIS pain Disappear!

More than half of Americans over age 40 are dealing with some type of joint problem, from stiffness to arthritis pain. In people over 60, joint problems account for more than 50% of all cases of disability.
In the past, doctors typically relied on painkilling drugs to treat joint ailments. But these medications do not solve the underlying problems. Here’s how to get lasting relief…

Monday, April 17, 2017

Alcohol Increases Risk of Colon Cancer by 40%

                Alcohol’s role in health intrigues many medical researchers. There are those who say one or two drinks a day is good for your heart. Yet alcohol’s negative impact on the liver is well known. Through the years, there have been numerous studies attempting to understand the real impact of alcohol on our health. A recent report finds a link between alcohol consumption and colorectal cancer… and the news is not good.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Take Calcium to Lower Your Risk of Colon Cancer

                If strong, healthy teeth and bones aren’t reason enough to be sure you get enough calcium in your diet, now there’s another one – it can lower your risk for colon cancer.
In a review of 10 studies that involved more than 500,000 people from five countries, Eunyoung Cho, ScD, and researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston recently found that higher milk consumption reduces the risk for colon cancer.

How to make your friends private in facebook

Friday, April 14, 2017

What NOT to say to your Kids

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Tired of trying to get your children to behave? The problem might be simply a matter of miscommunication…

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Sweet Smells May Spell Danger

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                Air fresheners can cause cancer. That was the conclusion many people might have drawn from a US Environmental Protection Agency study that was published in Environmental Science & Technology.


AN AMAZING FACT:  The first and largest building in the world to use a significant amount of glass was the Crystal Palace, constructed in London for the Great Exhibition in 1851.

Six Ways to Banish Bad Breath

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Even the mighty can become meek when faced with an embarrassing problem like bad breath. Americans spend millions of dollars a year on breath-freshening products, attempting to mask the odor, rather than eliminate the curse.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Surprising Places Where Germs Grow

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                Germs don’t always turn up where you expect them. For instance, which do you think is more contaminated-the toilet seat or your kitchen sink? The doorknob of a public restroom or the buttons on an ATM?

Can Dogs Really Smell Cancer?

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Excerpt from "More Ultimate Healing"

                A Border collie/Doberman mix sniffs at a mole on his owner’s leg so persistently that the woman finally consults her doctor, who diagnoses and successfully treats her early-stage melanoma. A Labrador named Parker nudges his owner’s thigh so frequently that the man sees his physician to deal with what he thinks is eczema, only to find out that it is cancer.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Exercise Keeps “Old” Hearts Young

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                Some years ago, aerobic training became the rage because it was known to enhance heart health. Also called endurance training, aerobic activity gets the heart rate up and sustains it for a period of time, whether by walking, jogging, cycling or swimming. It took a study from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas to demonstrate just how beneficial aerobic activity can be. The study shows that prolonged, consistent endurance training prevents stiffening of the heart walls, a problem that often accompanies aging and leads to a condition called diastolic heart failure.

Monday, April 10, 2017

How to Avoid Everyday Pains

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Do you regularly have a heavy pocket -book dangling from one shoulder?
Are you a phone cradler, too – holding the phone between your ear and shoulder while multitasking? Do you hunch over the computer for hours without a break? Are there too many books and binders in your child’s backpack?

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Milk – A Magic Weight Loss Potion?

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                We’ve all seen the advertisements that claim milk “does a body good.” Now, numerous research studies give that phrase a whole new meaning. Apparently, drinking milk not only builds strong teeth and bones, it also helps weight loss, lowers body fat and increases the body’s lean mass. A simple glass of milk instead of an hour at the gym – could this really be possible?

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Male Menopause – Is it Real?

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Just like menopause in women, male menopause involves changes in hormone levels and other physical characteristics. It affects a man’s psychology and sexuality.

                In women, menopause comes on fairly rapidly, around age 45 to 50. It’s clearly linked to the cessation of ovulation.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Ouch! Antacids That Make Stomach Problems Worse

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Turning on the television or reading the newspaper is becoming an exercise in anxiety. It’s either some natural disaster or dire predictions about the economy. All this stress is sending lots of us to our medicine chests to calm our nervous stomachs. And what do we usually reach for? That old standby-an over-the-counter (OTC) antacid.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Grace of God is for Me - Devotional

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     By the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. 1 Cor. 15:10  

Monday, April 3, 2017

101 Useful Websites on the Web

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Sharing you the most useful websites on the internet.

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